Become a Member

Make a Difference with Your Membership

Are you WILD about Galveston?

Your support helps us continue our programming to increase awareness of the amazing natural resources and vital habitats in the Galveston area. All monies collected from memberships are used to further GINTC programs and projects. GINTC is a qualified 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt organization.

Membership registration may be completed by clicking the “Join or Renew” links below using our secure PayPal payment system.  A PayPal account is not required.  You may also print and postal mail your registration by clicking here.

Individual Memberships

Annual membership dues for individuals are $35; family membership dues are $70; supporting membership, $150; sustaining membership, $300; and lifetime membership, $500. As a token of our thanks, membership entitles you to notification of all GINTC meetings and sponsored events, eligibility for committee participation for FeatherFest and other GINTC programs, a 10% discount on most FeatherFest events, and a discounted rate to select Sandhill Crane events.

Blue Heron Society Member – $500.00
Lifetime Membership Status
Special Recognition at FeatherFest
>> Join or Renew

Sustaining Member – $300.00
5 Year Membership Status
>> Join or Renew

Supporting Member – $150.00
1 Year Membership Status
>> Join or Renew

Family Member – $70.00
1 Year Membership Status for Entire Family
>> Join or Renew

Individual Member – $35.00
1 Year Membership Status
>> Join or Renew

Corporate Memberships

Corporate memberships are also available at three different levels – the $250 level entitles you to have your business listed on the GINTC website and two tickets to either Holiday with the Cranes or Sea Turtle Saturday; at the $500 level, your corporate/business logo will be displayed on the GINTC website with a link to your company website, two tickets to Holiday with the Cranes and two tickets to Sea Turtle Saturday; the $1000 level entitles you to everything listed in the preceding level plus VIP seating at both Holiday with the Cranes and Sea Turtle Saturday, and one free FeatherFest trip!

Great Egret Corporate Member – $1,000.00
Corporate/Business Logo and Link on GINTC Homepage
2 Tickets to Holiday with the Cranes with VIP Seating
2 Tickets to Sea Turtle Saturday with VIP Seating
1 Free FeatherFest Trip
>> Join or Renew

Reddish Egret Corporate Member – $500.00
Corporate/Business Logo and Link on GINTC Homepage
2 Tickets to Holiday with the Cranes
2 Tickets to Sea Turtle Saturday
>> Join or Renew

Snowy Egret Corporate Member – $250.00
Business Listed on GINTC Website
2 Tickets to Holiday with the Cranes or Sea Turtle Saturday
>> Join or Renew

Non-Profit Association Member – $100.00
Association Listed on GINTC Website
>> Join or Renew

Corporate Members

Great Egret

Reddish Egret

Snowy Egret

Bungalow Beach

Soar Vacation Rental Services

Speak Up Media

Non-Profit Association Members


Galveston’s Own Farmers Market

Houston Humane Society Wildlife Department

The International Wildlife Coexistence Network

GINTC Lifetime Members

Ann Anderson
Bets Anderson
Gloria & John Augelli
Julie Ann Brown & Denice Franke
Rita Burke & James Koski
Susan Califa & Mark Staskauskas
Caroline & Damien Carey
Kathy & Robert Carlson
Kalondia & Jeff Casey
Raini & Bret Cunningham
Brenda Dawson
Karol & Robert Deem
Cathy & Charles Dozier
Sharon Duray & Don Wilkerson
Marian & Cary Fico
Kristin & David Finklea
Carole Goodwin
Larry Goodwin
John Gray
Mary Hannigan
Holly & Scott Hanson
Jeff Heitkamp
Cheryl & Red Henry
Janet & Ben Hock
Cynthia & Daniel Hughes
Kimber Kaushik
Ruth Kelly
Peaches & Shrub Kempner
Recie Kraemer
Linda Kuhn
Linda Lacey
Alexandra McLeod

Olivia & Walter Meyer
Gay & Pete Miller
Moffet Family
Winkie & Jerry Mohn
Jo Monday
Elise Morvant
Lynn O’Connor
Alice Anne O’Donell
Alice & Wayne O’Quin
Diane & Pete Olsen
Mercedes Pang
Heather & Jordan Price
Barbara & Jeff Rabek
Sue & Keith Reed
Trish & Jim Ringelstetter
Charlie & Jim Rohack and Elisha Feigle
Chris & Herb Roper
Norma & Sandy Rubin
Frances Ryan
Karen & Allan Scott
Michelle & Victor Sierpina
Ken Smith
Rachel & John Stokes
Martha Suiter
Joyce Thompson
Roberta Traylor
Patty Trimingham
Brenda & Mort Voller
Bonnie White & Doug Little
Margaret & Greg Whittaker
Tina Williams